The food tech industry has been growing and evolving rapidly in the last ten years due to technological innovations in
Continue Reading Meating of the Minds: Impossible Foods and Motif Foodworks Settle High Profile Patent Dispute in District Court
The food tech industry has been growing and evolving rapidly in the last ten years due to technological innovations in…
Continue Reading Meating of the Minds: Impossible Foods and Motif Foodworks Settle High Profile Patent Dispute in District CourtAfter decades of intense scientific research into developing gene editing technologies, and more than a few setbacks, the field has…
Continue Reading Gene Therapy Approvals Gain Steam in 2023: Treatments Offer New Hopes for Rare DiseasesThe alternative (“alt-“) animal products industry is growing increasingly more popular each year, causing an increased demand in foods made…
Continue Reading Foodtech Patents: Who’s on the Board and What Moves are they Making?Background
The food tech industry has been rapidly growing in recent years with the rise in popularity of alternative (“alt-“)…
Continue Reading Foodtech Pioneer Impossible Foods Sues Competitor Motif for Patent Infringement
Sometimes it is necessary to use a third-party trademark to refer to the owner of a trademark or its goods…
Continue Reading Practice Tips: Fair Use of a Trademark (Part II)
One of the first things entrepreneurs will need to do when branding new companies is to seek and obtain trademark…
Continue Reading Practice Tips: Fair Use of a Trademark (Part I)
Centripetal Networks, Inc. (“Centripetal”), one of the fastest growing innovators in the cybersecurity space, leveraged its patent portfolio against Cisco…
Continue Reading Lessons Learned From Centripetal’s Multi-Billion Dollar Damages Award Against Cisco
In the fast-paced and dynamic environment of startup and emerging companies, standard operating procedures and compliance matters may often fall…
Continue Reading Is it Time to Re-evaluate (or Create) Your Document Retention Policy?
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